Sunday, October 16, 2016

Weekly Announcements for Week of 10/16-10/22

Dear SBSC families, 

Practice Schedule

RHS Practice Groups
Group 1: Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:15 
G1 Elite: Monday 5:30-7:30 
Group 2: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:30-7:30, and Friday 5:00-6:30 
Group 3: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:30-6:00, and Friday 3:30-5:00 

NPHS Practice Groups 
Group 1 Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:15 CDT
Group 2/Group 3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 5:30-7:30 CDT

Practice notes: ALL NP swimmers are welcome to attend any practice at Riley that works into their schedule.  All swimmers attending Group 2's Friday practice are reminded to bring appropriate dry-land clothes.   

SWAC Meet November 19th-21st
The deadline to commit to this meet is this Thursday.  Remember since this meet was just added to our schedule we will be doing entries a little differently.  Swimmers will not be automatically entered in the meet.  If you want your swimmer to attend you must commit them.  We will need a minimum of 8 swimmers to sign up before we send an entry.

Congratulations to our two new team record holders.  Sammy Sierra set a new record in the 11-12 boys 100 IM with a time of 1:07.54.  Bryce Knight set a new record in the 13-14 boys 50 Butterfly with a time of 26.26.  You can check all the team records by clicking here.  Our All-Time Top 10 can be viewed here and all of our current championship qualifiers here.  You can click here to see our results and improvements.  

Meet Entries

Our policy for meet entries is to assume all swimmers who do not decline attendance will be competing.  Meaning if a swimmer is undeclared they will still be entered in the meet.  If you know your swimmer is planning on competing please click the "Edit Commitment" button and choose "Yes".  The process I use for doing meet entries is to do all the entries of the committed swimmers then create relay teams from those swimmers.  The reason I choose to do the relays before moving over the non-committed swimmers is the probability of the committed swimmers being at the meet is relatively high.  Trying to change relays at the meet because someone fails to show up presents a challenge in what at times is a slightly chaotic environment.    

T-shirt Order
I will picking up our team shirts sometime this week and will have them ready to hand out at our Swim-A-Thon on Saturday.

We have had a couple of parents ask about more shirts and we have had some new swimmers join since the last order so we will be placing a 2nd order on October 31st.  If you are interested please send me an email with the word T-shirt in the subject box with the sizes and numbers you want

October Tech Fee
Our billing system is limited in it's ability to automatically charge accounts.  While it has the ability to charge each family the the monthly training fees it does not allow us to set-up other recurring fees per family account.  For us to be able to receive payment on the first of the month for any other charges outside the training fees those charges have to manually placed on your account by the last day of the month. I missed that deadline with the October Family Tech Fee.  So you will see two charges on your account this month one for October and one for November.

Dual Meet Vs. CON Swim Club 

Congratulations to everyone who swam yesterday.  We had some outstanding swims, new best times, and some great displays of teammates supporting and cheering for each other. I anticipate I will receive the final results sometime today or tomorrow and will update our site as soon as I do. 

I also wanted to publicly commend our Group 3 swimmers.  One of the CON parents who organized the breakfast for our high school kids passed along some very high praise of our swimmers.  She said that doing the breakfast for our club was always enjoyable because of how polite, respectful, and appreciative our swimmers always are.  Good manners never go out of style.  Thank you for representing our club with such class.

Swim-A-Thon Saturday October 22nd 

We are now more then half way to our goal heading into the last week.  Typically the last week is our best week for raising funds.  Even if you have not started it is not too late to start.  As simply as putting a link to the Swim-A-Thon on your Facebook page may generate some additional giving.  We will also be in need of parents to help count laps.  We will have coffee and donuts available for parents willing to give up a couple more hours of their Saturday.

If you have received any donations of checks or cash please bring them Saturday so they are credited to your swimmers account.

We would like all of our swimmers to be on deck by 7:45.  We will get in the water approximately 8:00 and and be done 2 hours later.  

Notre Dame Butterfly Camp
I received the following in an email on Friday:

Join the University of Notre Dame and Head Coach Mike Litzinger for an exciting 2-day butterfly clinic on December 10-11.  A coach of 4 US National Team butter-fliers, Coach Litzinger and his staff will focus on butterfly technique through the implementation of drills, equipment, and video. Please forward this on to your swimmers families and coaches.


This clinic is open to swimmers, ages 10 and up. Attached is our informational packet. In it you will find a detailed itinerary, as well as pricing and lodging information. You can register at

Advertising Credit 

Another item of discussion during the parent meeting was opportunity to earn some credit on your swim club accounts. The easiest way we can do that is to get our recruiting posters out in the public. For every poster you hang you will receive a $5 credit up to $25. Once you hang the poster post a pic of it on your Facebook page (or other social site) and tag the club. For every poster after the 5th one you will have your name entered in a drawing for a Visa gift card to be held on December 1st . 

The other way is by advertising through our website. Whatever money you are able to bring in you will receive a 50% commission. Selling a one year ad could earn you anywhere from $50 to almost $500. Here is the link for more information . 

Upcoming Meet & Dates/location/deadline to opt out 

The dates to opt out are tentative for some of these meets and will most likely change when the meet information becomes available. As a reminder all swimmers are considered swimming in a meet unless the parent declines attending. I'm also asking if you know your swimmer will be attending please commit them to the meet. If the option to choose days is not yet available please leave a note as to which days you would like to attend 

NASA Sprint Meet Saturday and Sunday 11-5 & 6/ Northridge High School /tonight 10-16 
SWAC Fall Prelims-Frinals Friday-Sunday11-19, 20, 21/ HPB Natatorium, Ft. Wayne /this Thursday 10-20 
LCB Winter Invite Friday-Sunday 12-2,3,&4/ Lake Central HS /10-23 
DUNE RiR Invite Saturday 12-17/ Chesterton High School /10-30 
IA TW Invite Friday-Sunday 1-6,7,&8/ Rolfs Aquatic Center, ND /10-30 
CON IMX Challenge Friday-Sunday 1-20,21,&22/ Concord High School /12-3 
NCISC Championship Saturday 2-11/ Riley High School /1-29 
CON Last Chance Friday-Sunday 2-24,25,&26/ Concord High School /1-29 
Divisional Championship Friday-Sunday 3-3,4,&5/ Northridge High School /TBD 
Age Group State Friday-Sunday 3-10,11,&12/ IUPUI /TBD 
Senior State Friday-Sunday 3-17,18,&19/ Pike High School /TBD 

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

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