Sunday, September 25, 2016

Weekly Announcements for Week of 9/25-10/1

Dear SBSC families,

Practice Schedule
Group 1: Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:00 RHS
G1 Elite: Monday 5:30-7:15 RHS
Group 2: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:30-7:15, and Friday 5:00-6:30 RHS
Group 3: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:30-5:45, and Friday 3:30-5:00 RHS

Practice notes: A reminder to all Group 2 swimmers to bring dry-land shoes and clothes to Friday's practice.

Parent T-shirts
Parents if you are interested in a t-shirt for yourself or other members in your family please send me an email with "T-Shirt" in the subject line and in the message indicate what size or sizes you would like. This is not an order for the swimmers.  This is for any additional shirts you may want. The cost for each shirt is $12, $14 for XXL.  The shirts will be a traditional shirt 50/50 cotton blend.  The deadline for ordering a shirt will be Saturday October 1st.  This order will be placed with the swimmer's shirt order and I hope to have the shirts in time for the CON dual meet.

SBSC Social Sites
During the parent meeting I briefly mentioned some of our social media sites.  We have direct links from our website to our FacebookTwitter, and Instagram pages.  We also have a YouTube channel, a Google+Tumblrand Blogspot.  Since Facebook is the primary social site used by adults we use that site with considerable frequency.  Along with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are used for posting pics of our club's activities..  Our YouTube channel does not have much content but we are hoping to add more material.  Google+, while some pretty cool features is not used by many but, just in case someone is on that site we keep material on that page as well.  The Tumblr and Blogspot are similar to Google+ and we use those as another way to get our weekly announcements out.

Advertising Credit
Another item of discussion during the parent meeting was opportunity to earn some credit on your swim club accounts.  The easiest way we can do that is to get our recruiting posters out in the public.  For every poster you hang you will receive a $5 credit up to $25.  Once you hang the poster post a pic of it on your Facebook page (or other social site) and tag the club.  For every poster after the 5th one you will have your name entered in a drawing for a Visa gift card to be held on December 1st .

The other way is by advertising through our website.  Whatever money you are able to bring in you will receive a 50% commission. Selling a one year ad could earn you anywhere from $50 to almost $500. Here is the link for more information.

Missing Paperwork
If you have not done so already please fill out the attached USA Swimming Registration form.  Indiana Swimming requires us to have a paper copy on file for every swimmer every year.  Also, if you answered yes to the question about your swimmer being eligible for the free/reduced lunch program at their school I need a document produced by their school stating their eligibility.  

Also, I forgot to mention at the parents meeting the requirement of birth certificates.  If a swimmer does not have a birth certificate on file with Indiana Swimming and competes in a meet they will be assessed a fine.  The best way to get me a copy of their birth certificate is to scan it into your computer then email me.  This way if in the future there is a fine assessed you can show the mistakes was not yours and the club will pay any fines. 

Swim Apps

Ally Krichef during her presentation to our new families spoke about two important apps swim parents should have.  The first is OnDeck Parent.  This app is free and is tied directly to our website/database.  For OnDeck app our team alias is insbsc and your password is the same you have for our website.  The second app is Meet Mobile.  There is a small subscription fee but it is worth every penny when you are at a meet and want to see the results of your swimmer's events.

Intra-Squad Meet Tuesday October 4th

There is no practice on this day and all swimmers will be entered in the meet unless parents decline attendance. The deadline for opting out of this meet is Monday October 3rd.  There is no cost for swimmers to compete in this meet.  All swimmers should be on deck by 5:30.  Swimmers will receive their team cap at this meet.  The meet will start at 6:00 and last 60-75 minutes.  After the meet we will have a team pizza party in cafeteria.  The club will provide the pizza and the drinks.  We are asking all families to bring a favorite dish.  Families with the last name beginning with A- M bring your favorite side dish and families N-Z bring your favorite dessert.  We will need 16 parents to help with timing, as well as least 6 parents to help with organizing/serve the food including 2 parents at 5:15.  Most important we need everyone who is able to stay and help clean up.  We are responsible for any mess we make including trash removal.  Here is the link to the job sign-ups for this meet. (Please remember to sign-in to our website first)

Special note:  For any of you that are bringing a dessert please do not bring brownies.  This is not because I am some sort of over the top nutrition nut it simply because cleaning up brownies dropped on the floor then trampled by 100+ swimmers is next to impossible.

NCISC Fall Sprint Meet Saturday October 8th

This is a meet we have hosted for the last few seasons.  We are responsible for hospitality for the coaches and for the concession stand.  We will be asking for donations for both.  All donations that will not spoil need to be turned in by Thursday the 8th. If we do not receive enough donations we will need to purchase the remaining need items.  We will also need help in running both areas along with some other jobs.  Here is the link to jobs sign-up for this meet.  The deadline to opt out of this meet is Sunday October 2nd.  The jobs website says the needed items listed will be listed in the weekly emails.  I will post the list to our website as soon as I confirm with the volunteers who will be in charge of each area.  More details will be coming soon.  Swimmers are eligible to swim 3 individual events and up to 2 relays.  The cost of this meet for each athlete will be $7 total.  I will post all pertinent times for this meet in next week's email.  Information can be located at our website under the meets tab or you can click here.

Dual Meet Vs. CON Swim Club

I have not received the official information yet for this meet.  I assume it will follow a similar format as previous seasons.  Our Group 3 swimmers will have a combined practice with the CON high school swimmers.  The high school swimmers will have a breakfast together provided by the CON parents.  During that time the rest of the team will warm-up and the meet will start approximately 9:45, again this is not official but based on previous seasons.  The meet will take around 3 hours to complete.  After the meet we have a team lunch at the BW3 located just a few minutes from Concord High School.  Each family will be responsible for their own meals.  The deadline to opt out of this meet is Sunday October 9th.

Thank you to the families who have already started raising funds!  You can click here to see the page on our website.  There is also a banner that will run across the top of our page for the remainder of our fundraiser.  If you are logged in to our site clicking on the banner will take you to your swimmers fund-raising page. Hopefully everyone has received the emails explaining how to set up your swimmers Swim-A-Thon account.  

Here are the three goals for this year's Swim-A-Thon funds: 
1. Reward our assistant coaches with higher wages 
2. Continue moving forward marketing our club 
3. Maintain our working relationship with a sports psychology professional

Upcoming Meet & Dates/location/deadline to opt out
The dates to opt out are tentative for most of these meets and will most likely change when the meet information becomes available.  As a reminder all swimmers are considered swimming in a meet unless the parent declines attending.  I'm also asking if you know your swimmer will be attending please commit them to the meet.  If the option to choose days is not yet available please leave a note as to which days you would like to attend 

Intra-squad Meet Thursday 10-2/Riley High School/10-2
NCISC Sprint Meet Saturday 10-8/Riley High School/10-2
Dual Meet Vs. CON Saturday 10-15/Concord High School/10-9
NASA Sprint Meet Saturday and Sunday 11-5 & 6/Northridge High School/10-16
WWST Turkey Splash Saturday 11-19/Northwood High School/10-9
LCB Winter Invite Friday-Sunday 12-2,3,&4/Lake Central HS/10-23
DUNE RiR Invite Saturday 12-17/Chesterton High School/10-30
IA TW Invite Friday-Sunday 1-6,7,&8/Rolfs Aquatic Center, ND/10-30
CON IMX Challenge Friday-Sunday 1-20,21,&22/Concord High School/12-3
NCISC Championship Saturday 2-11/Riley High School/1-29
CON Last Chance Friday-Sunday 2-24,25,&26/Concord High School/1-29
Divisional Championship Friday-Sunday3-3,4,&5/Northridge High School/TBD
Age Group State Friday-Sunday 3-10,11,&12/IUPUI/TBD
Senior State Friday-Sunday 3-17,18,&19/Pike High School/TBD

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

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